SuperTite Self-Bonding Powder Waterproofer

- 10-Year Guarantee
- Economical; Just Add Water & Mix
- Adheres to All Types of Masonry
- Safe for Drinking Water Tanks & Cisterns
Heavy-Duty, Portland cement-based waterproofing coating with dry polymer-modified additive for best adhesion. Eliminates need for liquid bonding additive to mix for non-porous, smooth surfaces. Ideal for sealing, protecting & decorating vertical walls and surfaces constructed of concrete, masonry, stone, brick or stucco. Easy to use; just add to water. Eliminates dampness; resists mold/mildew & flaking or chalking while beautifying and sealing all pores & voids. Formulated for application directly onto damp or wet surfaces. Breathable coating while withstanding 22 psi of hydrostatic pressure. Also, it reduces Radon Gas infiltration. Not formulated to withstand foot traffic. Tip: Wear protective gloves and goggles.
Most important step for best waterproofing results and adhesion. Clean the surface thoroughly with wire brush to remove any loose mortar, paint, dust, grease or oil. Then, follow our Step 1-2-3 Product Guidelines. Step 1-Prepare the Surface: Remove powdery, salt-like deposit (efflorescence) or form-oil residue with Damtite Concrete Cleaner. After 20-30 minutes, rinse surface well with water. Step 2-Repair the Surface: Fill holes, cracks or active water leaks and mortar joints with Damtite Waterproofing Hydraulic Cement. Step 3-Decorate & Waterproof: apply 2 coats of this product. Important: using garden sprayer, hose set to fine mist or brush, completely dampen surface with clean water immediately prior to applying and keep surface wet during application.
Two-coats required for best results & warranty. For smaller projects, use a 4-row masonry brush to apply product; for larger projects, spray using plaster’s hopper spray gun. See Tech Data Sheet on website for more details. Insure surface is uniformly pre-wetted & dampened with clean water before applying each coat! Start at top of wall in corner and work down wall, applying liberal amount of product, brushing first coat in different directions to penetrate & fill pores, pinholes and hairline cracks. Smooth out the second coat by lightly brushing in one direction across wall. To avoid lap marks, complete from corner to corner in one application. Dip brush in clean water often for easier workability. Allow first coat to dry 24-48 hours (or longer in unventilated and/or severe leaking areas). Dampen surface lightly with clean water prior to applying second coat. Follow same procedures to apply second coat. Textured or swirled finishes possible. For bottom 1/3rd of basement walls with persistent water seepage problems, apply a thicker second coat or even a third coat.
Recommended Sprayer: Kodiak M2 (by American Spray Technologies, Auburn WA).
Nozzle size 5/16″.
Surfaces Smooth/Non-Porous or 2nd Coat: Up to 260 sq ft (24,2 m²).
Rough/Porous or 1st Coat: 200 sq ft (18,6 m²)